April 17, 2015

Kids, love?

It's a crazy thing to actually already imagine your life with someone with the possibility of having kids and setting up your new home somewhere you both find comfort and you call it your little nest.

It's even crazier to be thinking that with someone you know that doesn't want kids.

I haven't been a big advocate of having kids myself but I've always imagined a family with little toddlers running around the garden and you get to indulge in a parental right to take photos of your little creations, their tiny little feet and hands, their "Michelin" baby skin (which I've googled it's a syndrome that you do not want your kids to get) and not to forget that classic baby in the sink photo! Not to mention, reading fairytales or history of Chinese dynasties with the Mings and Zhus with their generals and concubines, in which I would not read it to them because I'm clueless about history which leaves only one other person in this imaginary family of mine to read to the little toddlers.

Where was I? I got carried away, real far. In which you might think "This girl really do want kids!" but, no. Or maybe not. It's just... I've never really thought about it until I've met someone that I know I will spend the rest of my life with. It's like some animal instinct in us, like how a wolf decides to mate after the courting period and how they deem each other good enough for them. Out of all the animals, why the wolf? Because wolf packs are akin to a nuclear family.

Truth to be spoken, I don't know if I want them or I just like the idea of them. For him, he knows how hard it is to bring children up, hence no kids. For me, I just think I grew up fine with a challenging environment. I am who I am because of what life chose for me and what I chose for my life. I already have this trust in my future kids (let's just call them that for now, lacking of better names) that they too will grow up fine to be great human beings. Surely, I understand where he comes from, having a girlfriend who's like a kid herself most of the time, he might just not consider having another one who doesn't even know how to at least wipe their own shit.

Which brings me to also the idea of having dogs in a family. That has never gotten in my picture. Simply being I don't have pets nor am I exposed to the frail life of dogs. After knowing him and being introduced to five dogs at once as a part of the family, I'm up for adorable, loyal beings like them. Although...I'm not so keen on having all five in one go.

So, the current standing is the likelihood of having dogs in a family is definitely higher than having little human being(s).

We'll see how it goes then?

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