December 20, 2011


"All I ever think about is you, you got me hypnotized, so mesmerized"

Or ask yourself questions like,

"Am I crazy or falling in love, is it really just another crush?"

Crush leaves you speechless yet with too many words in your head.
Crush leaves you breathless with too many breaths to catch with him.
Crush gives you fireworks like 4th of July.

"Butterflies" is an understatement, more like dragons.

Flings and crushes - what are they for? Merely the excitement have you addicted and asking for more.

But can't deny there's a glimpse of hope that wants it to be more.


Wow. I didn't know this will be that heart wrenching.

It's that kinda sadness that you told yourself repeatedly that you'll be feeling it the next day, so be ready. When the next day comes, it happens. You can feel the wall starting building itself up before the reality sets in. Brick by brick, your heart is safe, at least for a while. All is up, strong and steady, like the Great Wall of China, up for defense yet it's also like the Berlin Wall, it wasn't supposed to be there. The whole day you kept yourself busy and get more distractions like laughing your ass off over some lame cartoon jokes that only children find it amusing. You'll listen to music or more to the lyrics that sings everything you're feeling now. You gave up because there's not any exact words to explain how you feel. Then you come to the music where all you can hear is pounding bass and senseless lyrics. You gave up too because the increase of the heartbeat reminds you of the heart yesterday that was beating in excitement. It was playing fireworks on 4th of July. You pretended to be excited for a dinner with your comrade, get dressed up and all because you didn't have the chance to do it earlier. Oh well, you kinda overdress for a casual girls dine out but you couldn't care less. Gossips after gossips, you thought you can chuck that thing behind your mind. Once you stop talking to eat, your attention goes back there. Then you're chewing, you're looking at the cars tailing cars, drivers being impatient for the light to turn green, still your attention wanders there. Last try, scrolling down buzzfeed for "32 Pictures You Need To See Before You Die". Tried laughing but you knew you're lying through your teeth.

Alas, came the right song and the perfect best man to pour it out. Tears has taken its toll and it was time to gush down the face from the broken dam. Somehow you've been strong for so long, you've learnt to hold it and suck it in. Practice makes perfect.

December 13, 2011

Victor who?

My day started with waking up, being zombified the night before, dragged myself to the shower and off to the exam hall. Oh by the way, I'm having my finals now, still am so chilling ;D

The usual, my heart sank when I came outta the exam hall, not half of the questions I was 100% sure of! But oh well, ain't the first time love. Get over it.

Boring aite? I'll be sleeping too if it wasn't for...... *drum rolls*


Who is Victor King? I heard of him from a friend that no.1 he's from the QUEST crew ayenddd there's no no.2 to go with it. But now I can write all about him from A-Z. Maybe not, A-G? Haha excuse me please, started melting for him approximately 2 hours ago. For now, he'll tell you about himself. Be ready to be melted by his dulcet tones in his eloquent speech.

Will get to Z soon and that will be the day I fulfill another wish on my wishlist, which is to meet this beautiful inspiring soul. Not just an awesome dancer, he's also a singer, a graffiti artist, plays piano, guitar, drums, even ukulele; you name it, he does it ;)

Not just because of all these to-die-for outlooks that this foreign man portrays that caught my whole attention but it is his personality. Sounds cliche but that's the fact peeps. His thoughts put to words that kept me hooked on him. I was totally inspired and awed by this man, with his mentality, dreams.. Yes, the whole dream thingy that really left me speechless.

“A simple concept, a movement if you will. It means your childhood dreams and goals are not just lofty ambitions and thoughts in the universe, but they are your inheritance” - Victor Kim

"Claim your inheritance," he said. I pondered to that for a little while and who am I kidding, his words make perfect sense. Our dreams, be it big or small, comes from us and only we have the ability to make them reality. (Or, that's only my interpretation?)

#KingdomMentality sounds pretty catchy but it ain't just a catch phrase, it's a mindset. A mindset that I hope I can bring to myself every morning when I open my eyes. I wanna chase after my dreams (whatever that may be, I'm still pretty fucked up bout the fact that I don't have a childhood dream) and soar sky high. Whatever that I'm doing right now, I hope it'll turn out crystal clear to me.

Yea, Victor Kim really impacted me. Big time. <3

December 12, 2011

Testing 1 2 3

Let me see if I can post anything here because the first three posts, the only thing that all of you can see is "Make love, not war." I even had a comment saying the same thing, "Make love, not war"


Well, technically it is not privatized, just that it's not publicized. Hmm.

Double thinking whether I should run this blog or not since the last one went down the drain. Oh well, time will tell when will I dedicate my precious time to writing/blogging. Hope to see myself grow again, maturely this time, in writing!